August 6, 2009

A Quick Make Over - And It's Cheap Too!


I got these frames at Hobby Lobby yesterday for less than $7.00 (total!). I had no idea what I would do with them, but I can't pass up a good bargain.
So, on the way home I put on my thinking cap and decided that I would use one of the frames for a magnet board. I have been wanting one for a while.
As soon as I got home, I jumped right into this quick, really inexpensive make-over. Actually, this project was just plain CHEAP!!!

I decided to use the keyhole frame.
I removed the remaining keyholes.

I cut another piece of old rusty tin to fit the opening. (House Number Post)
I sanded, washed it, and sprayed it with clear lacquer to stop the rust and give it a shine.
I had some gold filet strips left over from another framing project. I measured and cut 45 degree ends on the tiny filet strips with my miter saw to fit the outside edges of the metal. I glued the metal and the filet to the frame.
Next, I glued magnets to the back of a few "found" objects and "one-of-a-kind" earrings. The most precious magnet is Rosie's heart shaped name tag. Rosie was our precious dog who died shortly before we moved. It still breaks my heart that she never got to see our Blue Creek Home.

A photo of Caroline and a small clipping from a German book (why do we like the look of foreign language???) are at home on the new magnet board.
I like it!

WAIT...I'm Not Finished!!!

Remember this??? The napkin holder that I morphed into a towel holder for the laundry room make-over. Well, I always thought it was lacking a little something. Soooooooo....

I glued on one of those keyholes, and now I like it much better. And I still have 2 more cute keyholes to play with.


  1. You are a genius!!! I love the magnet board!!! I don't think I would ever have thought of it. I also love that you re-purposed the keyhole. I am completely impressed with your creativity...I think mine has taken a vacation!!! I can't seem to get anything started!!! I hate it!!! I am going to keep coming back here for inspiration...if you don't mind?!!!


  2. now you are just the most creative! I love it! hope you don't mind if I "borrow" okay...lets be honest...STEAL these ideas from you!

  3. This looks so good! What a great idea!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  4. Very cute!! Love Hobby Lobby too... So creative!


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