December 30, 2011

Caroline Graduates From Auburn

We are so very proud to announce that our youngest daughter,
is now an Auburn University graduate.

Caroline's Graduation 002
On December  12, 2011,
Caroline graduated from Auburn University
Bachelor of Art
(Cum Laude)
Bachelor of Science
( Animal Sciences )
(Option: Pre-Vet  -  Pre-Professional)
(Cum Laude)

Christmas Day 2012 096
This was a zoom shot taken during the commencement

Christmas Day 2012 077
The giant center-hung score board shows all of the
‘Pomp and Circumstance’ of the graduation commencement

Christmas Day 2012 078
Panoramic Shot of the Auburn Arena 

Christmas Day 2012 091
Alex moved up a few rows for the best shot possible
She waited for 10 minutes with test shots taken and approved
As they announced Caroline’s name this was the view.
I wanted to rip out Big Bertha’s hair by the roots
get a  brush to Big Bertha’s blown out hairdo – oh it was a cheap wig!!
I am not just being mean
Big B’s family behaved badly the whole night and…
that is not okay
~    ~    ~    ~    ~
Two of my sisters (# 3 and #4) were able to make the trip and share
this important day with us.  Thanks Aunt Jana and Aunt Jack!

Afterwards, the family shared delicious food, sweet memories and
lots of love and laughs with Caroline at Provino’s Italian Restaurant.

We Love You, Peanut!


  1. Oh Rhonda I know you must be so proud of that beautiful girl! And of course if she graduated from Auburn she's got to be the best there is!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Congratulations to Caroline. All the best to the new graduate!

  3. Rhonda-She is just a beautiful girl- You must be soooo proud. Now as to Big Bertha and her hair- What? You didn't have some scissors with you?;>) xo Diana

  4. War Eagle! Congratulations- we have 2 AU grads and are hoping for 2 more!! And Provinos is our favorite date night spot! We are having a ball at Angels- I don't know why we didn't do this years ago?!?

  5. Big congrats to your daughter Rhonda. Happy New Year. I'm just getting back in the groove.

  6. Rhonda,

    Congrats to your beautiful daughter on her college graduation. I hate when people are so self absorbed at events and don't extend common courtesy to others in attendance. I would have told her to sit down. (BTW, I call my daughter, Peanut.)
    Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy 2012!

    Your Friend,

  7. Congrats to Caroline!!!! I know that y'all are so very proud of her. I sure hope that lady isn't at Mary Claire's graduation next December:) Hope you are having a wonderful weekend...I'm painting stuff for the shop...big re-do on Monday. I almost forgot to tell ya...I sent a customer to you last week...told her that you were at Ole Banks.


  8. Oh WOW, congratulations on your daughter's graduation!!! This is wonderful and she's SO beautiful!!! I came over from Blessings from Cindy. xo CIndy

  9. I would have been crying like a baby Rhonda! This is SO awesome! I would have knocked Big B out in a New York second!

    I know you are so proud of her :)

    Lou Cinda :)


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