November 4, 2011

It's My Turn In The Shabby Cottage Shops Spotlight

Today is Day 15 at the The Christmas Shoppe @ Shabby Cottage Shops and  Blue Creek Home is the featured shop for 24 hours, I invite you to come by and check out some of the items in my Christmas Shoppe.

I still have lots of these vintage tiaras - 
the perfect gift for a little princess this Christmas.

 I am wearing one tonight since...

I am the Queen of Shabby Cottage Shops for the next 24 hours!!!

If you have an online shop, Debbi is great to work with and the advertising is really affordable.

Happy weekend


  1. Going right over!!! I was thinking about you today when I was in this OUTSTANDING shop in Texas...I will e-mail you about it...I told Mr.CC that it was so you!!!


  2. You are such a doll! I clicked on your old button and here I am ! Ta Da! I love knowing you because you were so kind to me when I was new at this!Come visit me soon! I have my second blogaversary giveaway going on now!
    Hugs to you and oyurs!


So happy you are here - I love your comments!