March 3, 2011

BCH Dining Room Series: Part III

When we ordered our first dining room furniture from the “American Drew” collection in the eighties,  I could not have been more excited.  I loved traditional,  I loved Queen Anne style and I loved the reddish tones of the cherry wood.  I still appreciate the importance of this very matched set of dining furniture.   It was our first real set of furniture and it was the best we could afford at the time and we both liked the look.  

 This is the set we have had for twenty years.

When we purchased our set,  we ordered two side chairs and two arm chairs with plans to order more side chairs later.  We never did that.  I am hoping to convince G-Man to let me remove the arms on the two arm chairs,  making them side chairs (making four total - and making much more sense). When we have guests, we bring in  slip covered host/hostess chairs at each end.  I like the way that breaks up all the matchy look.  I guess it's okay to use an arm chair as a side chair, but I don't like it!

G-Man still thinks the furniture is perfect and would be very disappointed if I insisted on selling it or changing it in any permanent way.  I respect his feelings and I am attached to it because it was our first set.  After all, our girls grew up draping the table to the floor with sheets and having their play houses and club meetings under there.  It also served as a great hiding place.  Caroline would get under the table and stretch her little body across the chair seats under the table. The first time she did it,  she was never discovered!!!

So, as much as I would love to start from scratch in the dining room with new- old furniture, or painting this set,  I am proceeding to make subtle changes using our very matched dining room furniture. 

My original plan was to deformalize the room and I can achieve that without spending a fortune on new furniture.

I am going to use an old pair of very comfy, flame stitich, Queen Anne Wing Chairs in the dining room.   I am in the process of making slip covers for them.  I also want to make a table cloth for the table and change up some of the accessories.  Onward and upward...very slowly!!! 

Here is a peek 

I know this Dining Room Series is going very slowly.  And, it's about to slow down even more.  We are going to repaint too. I have made a mess spackling holes in the walls where I have moved so many mirrors and paintings.  Wouldn't you know we didn't have more paint and neither of us can remember where we got it, much less the name of the color?  It's always something!



  1. You are a brave (and talented) woman! Can't wait to follow along as you update your dining room. I did mine a couple of years ago by using my same furniture but changed wall color and making drop cloth drapes, it's so soothing and I love it!

    Your slip covered chairs look great so far!


  2. Our dining room is a very slow process too. I completely understand your feeling regarding your dining setting. We bought our first one about 9 years ago. My husband is very reluctant to let me change it, and I have to admit, it has marks which are becoming part of its history. He is prepared now to let me paint and glaze it for a French antique look. About the paint, I was told (not that I pay any attention anyway) that it should be used within 12 months. Not sure if it's strictly true. We have had paint go off, after many years, so if you had some left of your original it may not have been any good anyway. Your chairs are going to look wonderful.

    Lisa x

  3. I think you are playing it smart by taking baby steps. So many things can change the look of the room and I think you are well on your way by slip covering the chairs. It's going to be beautiful!


  4. Lol, Rhonda, it is always something! Isn't it funny how one thing leads to another, too? Those chairs are going to look great. My dining room is matchy-matchy and I had thought about getting a couple of slipcoverd Parsons chairs for either end. My husband hates when I'm going to tackle something in the house because he knows something will come up that will need his help. At least I'm holding off on all that now - in this house anyway. We just went on the market and are looking to downsize, so there will be another house that is going to need some work. Whether real work or just our personal touch.

  5. I'm still working on mine...almost finished...I have one more shelf to paint and some frames and plates to sure takes a lot of time. Those chairs are going to look great...I wished I could make slipcovers:(


  6. Rhonda- Well, it looks like you have a good start on the slipcovers. We had a very formal dining room set that belonged to my hubby's was never my taste but it was beautiful. When our youngest daughter got married she loved it and it now graces her home..with all the accompanying memories. So...someday maybe that will happen to you too! xxoo Diana

  7. These will be great, and I can't wait to see them! I'd LOVE to start over in our dining room, but....ain't gonna happen. I'm stuck with it.
    I love the style you have. Have fun painting!!!


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