July 23, 2010

Pink Saturday

My first item today is this cute pink button from the blog “Tools are for Women Too.”




Rory is having a party where bloggers post up to five items that are for sale in their online stores.  What a fun and generous idea.  Can you say FREE ADVERTISING???   You can bet my five items are up there.  ( #670 - 674…wink! )

It is also a great opportunity for non sellers and sellers alike to see what other bloggers are selling.  I did some shopping while I was there.  

Here is the email that I received.

“Just a note to let everyone know that the Times Are Tough Thursday - CIJ Edtion link party is up and running.  It will continue until Sunday at midnight.
Last week was an incredible success.  We had over 500 links posted with several Etsy Store Owners reporting sales. 
This week's party is open to everyone, including sellers and non-sellers.
I realize that July can be a very tough time for a lot of you, so I have increased the number of items you can post to 5.  Let's pull out all the stops and make this party a success.  Let's create more traffic, more followers, more hearts, more links, and more sales for everyone.
Please remember to invite your friends and help get the word out.
Thank you for your support.”

The party is over at midnight Sunday night so hurry over and check it out!   Don’t forget to enter the giveaways.

These next ‘pinks’ are some of the sale items that are posted there.


      image       image       image

                     #669                                                 #641                                          #596


image       image         image

                     #551                                           #528                                                #510 


image     image       image

                       #505                                               #475                                            #362


image     image     image

                         #326                                               #319                                          #240


image     image        image

                       #217                                              #162                                             #154


image    image     image

                            #9                                                #16                                            #672


image      image     image

                           #735                                            #676                                           #670


Happy Pink Saturday and thanks to our gracious hostess Beverly of “How Sweet the Sound”.  There is soooo much pink to see at her place.



  1. Hi Rhonda, lovin all the pink!!!! Thanks for sharing the info... I'll have to check it out. This is my first time to participate in Pink Saturday, it's such fun! Happy Pink Saturday. hugs~~~ Daphne

  2. Such lovely pretties. Thanks for your post. Have a great day.

  3. Hmmm my tools are black...where'd I put that pink spray paint?
    Licks & Wags, Niki


So happy you are here - I love your comments!