April 5, 2010

Thrifty Finds and A Baby Update!

Just in case any of you don’t know this already,  I am in Florida awaiting the birth of my first grandbaby.
I went to Alex’s appointment with her this morning.  I have two children, but I didn’t know what membrane sweeping was!!!  Without going into detail, that has been done, so we are crossing our fingers that Mason will be making his debut in the next couple of days.
Alex didn’t feel great after the procedure this morning so she didn’t go into work right away.  After a nap she felt better so I drove her to her office and I brought my laptop.  I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to post again, but this is allowing me to get one more in!!!!
So, here are some fun little items that I picked up in the last couple of weeks.

I found this delightful, vintage baby dish for Mason.
The little screw cap is even porcelain.

Does anyone remember eating from one of these sweet dishes?

How cute is this????

Yep, it even has some wonderful crackles that I love so much in vintage china.

I adore sheep.  I remember vividly, a childhood toy that was a little rubber lamb that squeaked.  I wish I still had it.

Alex has decorated Mason’s room with rabbits, so this is perfect.

This pink wood and tin wall pocket came from the same lovely antique store where I found Mason’s feeding dish.  The owner was lovely and gave me a good discount on both items!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am linking to Linda’s “ Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays” @ “Coastal Charm”.  She has a lovely blog and this is a fun party,  so go check out more bargains!
I am also linking to Rhoda’s party, “Todays Thrifty Treasures” @ Southern Hospitality.   Her blog is wonderful, too.

Thank you for your prayers and comments during the last couple of weeks.  They really are greatly appreciated.


  1. Have I told you lately how jealous I am of you...grandmother to be;)! I want nothing more! My precious daughter is in a wonderful relationship and I say waaaayyy to often...when are you getting married? I am sooooo terrible! I loved being a mom so much and I can't wait for those grandbabies to come! I also NEED someone else to shop for...hehe!

    Seriously...I am beyond thrilled for you and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you await the blessed event!


    The dish is DARLING and I adore the name Mason!

  2. Oh, you will be SO head over heels in love when they hand you that precious boy! Our two grandbabies are the lights of our lives. Keep us posted- Mason and Mommy are in our prayers.
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Oh my goodness, Rhonda! Very exciting that he will be here soon! I don't remember that exact dish, but when my daughter was little they made plastic ones where you could put the hot water to keep the food warm. I don't think I used it much, but I remember it. Love the little wood and tin pocket ~ I'll bet you could come up with a few ideas for that.

  4. I remember those dishes. They were great. How perfect for your grandson. I hope he comes soon.

  5. I remember those dishes! I will have to keep my eyes open for one when I am out thrifting because I would love to have one for my soon to be grandson!

    I will keep Alex and Mason in my prayers.


  6. Rhonda, what an adorable dish. I had a cup growing up with a cute little image in the bottom & still remember it to this day.

    Congrats on the new baby! How exciting. My cousin named her youngest Mason, great name.

  7. Rhonda what sweet finds!! congrats on being a new grandmother.

  8. I'm with Cathy - the first comment. I'm envious and happy for you all at the same time.

    Congratulations - please let us know everything as soon as you can -


  9. The graphics on the plate are adorable. A new baby is always such a blessed time. Enjoy!

  10. First of all, congratulations on becoming a grandmother (soon). The little dish you found is adorable. I loved the graphics.

  11. Hi Rhonda!

    Congratulations on your first grand-baby! Hope all goes well with the delivery! Keep us posted as you are able.

    I have a divided dish like yours that used to be my mom's! But mine does not have the metal outer piece, nor the stopper. It is a treasure! I have a picture posted of it on my blog from this past White Wednesday: http://scrapinjust4fun.blogspot.com/2010/03/white-wednesday_30.html

  12. Rhonda,
    I'm so happy to see you at my PAR-TAY and that baby dish is awesome...what a great item for little Mason! I'm checking in on you everyday to see if he has arrived...hoping Alex has a easy delivery.


  13. Any day now!! I was lucky enough to pass on the membrane sweeping- it still makes me shudder! (I did, however have 2 failed inductions- so maybe it would have been beneficial!) Can't wait to hear more- hopefully the next post will have a beautiful baby and happy mama and grand-mama in it! :)

  14. Bonjour Rhonda,
    How exciting! Sweet dish, Mason is going to be well taken care of by Grandma! Will pray all goes well for Alex and baby Mason, and Grandma and Grandpa!
    Take care,

  15. What a lovely little dish. It is adorable. I am sure that mom and baby will both treasure it. Also, the tin wall pocket is so shabby and cute.:)

  16. Congrats on the new grandbaby, I'm expecting a granddaughter any day now also, and can't hardly wait. I love the little bowl you found it's so cute!!!

  17. Grandbabys` are cool! Love the food dish!

  18. How exciting!!!! I remember my baby cousins eating out of those dishes! It will look perfect in the little nursery!

  19. Rhonda, How wonderfully exciting to be awaiting baby Mason's arrival! The waiting game is tough but before you know it you will be holding your precious grandson! LOVE your finds for him, absolutlely adorable! I will definitely be sure to check out Rhoda and Linda's blogs, thanks for sharing!! Hope all goes well with Alex and Baby Mason during labor and delivery... Hugs ~ Jamie

  20. What a sweet dish for your beautiful grandbaby and I love your tin wall pocket! I hope Mason will be arriving very soon so that you don't have to wait a minute longer! All my best to baby and mom!

    Kat :)

  21. What a precious little dish! I love everything about it.

    So, are you a grandma yet????? :-)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  22. Rhonda, I'm starting to pace the floor for you!! I am so glad that you are getting to be there for this most special time!! I love, love, love the vintage dish you found for Mason... he is one lucky little guy! Can't wait to hear further news!!!

  23. Rhonda,

    Keeping you all in my prayers. What beautiful finds!


  24. Congrats on the new baby! I love your blog, it's very sweet so I just thought I would send my regards. I would love for you to check out my blog if you get a chance. Thanks!


So happy you are here - I love your comments!